نقره نما اصفهان و قیمت خرید ظروف شبه نقره

خرید ظروف شبه نقره،نقره نما،ملیله کاری،آبکاری نقره به قیمت ارزان و ارسال فوری به سراسر کشور

اپلیکیشن صنایع دستی

اپلیکیشن صنایع دستی

Termeh of Iran is a luxurious handwoven fabric

  • نویسنده: امید حسینی

Termeh is a kind of luxurious fabric which was previously used for making high class clothes. These days, it is generally used to make tablecloth, bedspread and praying mat. One of the most luxurious Persian Handicrafts is called Termeh which is a special piece of fabric made of silk or wool. When some special designs of Sermeh embroidery are added to this fabric, its price will be increased and it has a higher value. Termeh of Isfahan is a high quality fabric which can be bought.

Introduction of Termeh

Termeh is known as a precious fabric with traditional colorful designs. A lot of people with different social levels consider it as a kind of fabulous piece of art for their personal usage or as a gift to others, especially the newly-married couples, because they believe that it brings luck and happiness. This fabric is made of natural silk or wool fiber which is whitened and colored in order to be used as soft threads used in producing Termeh. This fabric is usually woven by a four-way foundation where weft threads are dense enough and move freely at the back of fabric.

persian termeh

سجاده و جانماز ترمه سالاری مدل بهار

Set of a Salari Termeh Praying Mat

بقچه ترمه سرمه وملیله دوزی

Termeh Cloth with Sermeh and Tapestry

ست 5 تکه رومیزی ترمه هاشمی طرح شاهپسند

five piece Termeh Tablecloth

باکس ترمه و گلدان میناکاری ارتفاع 20 سانتی

Box of Termeh and a MinaKari Vase

Some people believe that Termeh is originally from Kashmir; while others believe that its origination goes back to Iran where great traditional designs of the country show the birthplace of this art which is called Isfahan, as city of art and culture. This fabulous fabric has been exported to different parts of the world from old times; therefore, various regions around the world know this precious fabric as a handicraft made in Iran.

persian termeh

What is Termeh

History of Termeh

What is Termeh is a repetitive question which is asked by people who have no information about Termeh. It is a high quality fabric which has some special designs of paisley, arabesque and flowers. Termeh is one of the precious fabrics which is made of delicate threads. It is one of the exquisite handicrafts of Iran. Isfahan and Yazd are two famous cities in Termeh production. This handicraft was very popular during the past history of Iran. During Achaemenia, Ashkani and Sassanid Eras, this art attracted the attention of people and historians. The most prosperous time for this art went back to the Safavid Era when the kings were all interested in art and Termeh was one the handicrafts made by special weaving techniques with difficulty.

During Safavid Era, this art highly flourished because of the various threads and colors used to make this fabric. Kings, rich people and those with a high social rank considered this fabric to make various clothes for their special events. As the price of Termeh was expensive, people consider it for special applications such as royal curtains, clothes, and prayer mats. This fabric was also luxurious because of its traditional Iranian and paisley patterns.

ست ترمه و گلدان میناکاری ارتفاع 16 سانتی

Set of Termeh and Enameled Vase

ست ترمه ۵ تکه هاشمی طرح شاه پسند ممتاز

Five Piece Hashemi Termeh Tablecloth

بقچه ترمه هاشمی طرح سپهسالار

Hashemi Termeh Cloth

سجاده و جانماز ترمه سالاری طرح بهار

Salari Termeh Praying Mat

Process of Making Termeh

Some steps should be passed to make high quality Termeh, which can be a handicraft of Isfahan, Yazd, Kashan, Kerman and other cities in Iran:

Termeh Store

Termeh store is a place where you can buy the highest quality items. BazareMina online Market is a place to buy the most reasonable and high quality options.

• Gathering enough amount of wool needed to make Termeh
• Washing the gathered wools
• Sorting different wools based on their colors
• Making a pattern guide to know the designs and colors with their specific locations and wraps
• Wrap making: twisting about 2000 to 3000 threads to have enough thickness
• Wrap dressing: stretching wrap threads to be strong by heddle’s movement and pressure
• Wrap threading: passing the yarn through heddles
• Pattern drawing: drawing a design pattern
• Dying: coloring the design pattern
• Weaving: replacing delicate needle-like spools by weft shuttles to make a design pattern on the underside of the wrap
• Pulling down a comb toward the weaver when a line of wefts is completed
• Repeating the steps to finish the artwork

persian termeh

رومیزی ترمه هاشمی طرح کیامهر

Hashemi Termeh Tablecloth

ست 5 تکه رومیزی ترمه سالاری طرح بهار

Set of a 5 Piece Salari Termeh Tablecloth

ست ترمه 3 تکه هاشمی طرح شاه پرند سرمه دوزی

A 3 piece Hashemi Termeh

ست 4 تکه رومیزی ترمه یزد طرح چهل ستون

Set of a 4 Piece Termeh Tablecloth

It is important to use tall fibers in weaving to make high quality Termeh. There are usually two people in the production of this fabric. One of them should be an expert and the other one is a worker. As this work needs concentration, it usually takes a long time to make Termeh. A good weaver can make about 25-30 cm of this fabric every day, in average.

persian termeh

Termeh Shop

Steps of Ornament

Termeh shop is a market to purchase various types of Termeh. This luxurious textile has a lot of fans who are interested to decorate their homes with this fabric. You can buy your favorite Termeh at BazareMina online Market. Sermeh embroidery is one of the ornamental weavings which can be done on Termeh. This art is 3000 years old and is one of the luxurious designs used in different fabrics. Gold and silver tapestries are used to make beautiful designs on the fabric. Termeh of Yazd is usually sent to Isfahan to have some decorative designs. Nice exquisite designs are sewed on the fabric, which are called towel weaving and Sermeh embroidery. After making these designs on Termeh, its price will be increased. Some designers use pearls and beads to make the fabric more beautiful. Also, a lining cloth will be sewed to the back of this fabric to make it stronger.

Termeh products are not limited to one or two products because it is possible to have a big set of items made of this handwoven fabric; such as Termeh praying mat, Termeh tablecloth, Termeh Table runner and some sets of handicrafts.

رومیزی ترمه سالاری طرح بختیاری

Salari Termeh Tablecloth

ست ترمه 5 تکه هاشمی طرح شاه پرند

Set of Hashemi Termeh

سجاده و جانماز ترمه مدل رز

Termeh Praying Mat

رانر ترمه هاشمی سرمه دوزی طرح شاه پرند

Hashemi Termeh Table Runner

The main colors which can be used in the background of this fabric are generally red, orange, jujube red, green, brown, turquoise and black. There are also different designs of this precious fabric which can be bought for different purposes. Some of them are mentioned as the following:

• Checked pattern: it is similar to a hive.
• Stripped pattern: it can have narrow and wide models.
• Atabaki pattern: it is delicately woven fabric which is mainly considered as luxurious one.
• Zomorrodi pattern: its main common color is green.
• Kashmiri (Cashmere) pattern: it has the shape of deer’s horn as a design.
Each pattern can be used to make specific fabrics for different usages and purposes depending on the designs of embroideries sewed on it.

Persian Handwoven Fabric

Extra Information

Persian handwoven fabric is popular in different parts of Iran and the most famous and high quality one is called Termeh. It is usually considered as a great option because of its practical and ornamental purposes. Termeh is usually used to make different luxurious products; such as curtains, prayer mats, tablecloths, scarves, cushion covers, waistbands, robes, headdresses, quilt covers, and floor spreadsheets. In order to keep Termeh fabric for a long time, some precautions should be done to avoid any damage:
• You need to keep this fabric away from humidity and direct sunlight.
• It is better to wash this fabric with hands because the washing machine may damage it.
• As it is made of delicate silk, it is better to take the dust away by moving the fabric.
• It is advisable to put Termeh in a horizontal direction in a dry open area to be dried after being washed.
You can have Termeh fabric for long years if you take a good care of it. There are some points which can help you buy the most valuable Termeh:

persian termeh

• Quality and fineness of thread
• Usage of gold and silver tapestry
• Great number of colored threads
• More number of layers sewed to the main fabric
• Usage of a wide border
• Usage of fine woven and Sermeh embroidery designs
• Special and unique design of fabric
• Fabric’s lining

persian termeh

Isfahan Termeh

Isfahan Termeh is not only famous in Iran but also other countries are familiar with it. You can be sure to buy the best Termeh fabric in this city because it is made of high quality materials and has nice pastry designs. If the mentioned options can be seen in Termeh, it is high quality, original, and expensive. The number of workshops which made this handicraft in the past was more than that in the current time but there are still some interested masters and young people who want to transfer this beautiful art to different parts of the world. Termeh of Isfahan is the most luxurious and valuable type of fabric which has attracted the attention of a lot of people around the world because it has splendid designs made with Sermeh embroidery which doubles its beauty.

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